Neoregelia (Bromeliad family). Photo by Jenny Zoe Casey
Florida's unique environment is full of possibility and challenge, and gardeners require a specialized skill set to succeed. Excellent books are available on the subject, but there are also a number of smaller publications, now out of print, that contain important articles of enormous value to locals. The goal of The Florida Gardening Project is to make some of these articles available online, where they can be easily accessed by people who care about growing beautiful things in our home state.
Jenny Zoe Casey
Mary Adams
Paula Biles
Monica Brandies
Karinluise Calasant
Gretchen F. Coyle
Frederick B. Essig
Marie Harrison
Barb Henny
Tom Hewitt
Elwood Holzworth
Dotti Hydue
Bill Pitts
Karen Smoczynski
Florida has a rich history of entrepreneurial gardeners who start grassroots publications in order to document and share what they’ve learned. It is our wish to make The Florida Gardening Project an online repository of these materials.
If you hold copyright to an article published in a regional magazine or newsletter that is now out of print, and want to contribute, please get in touch by emailing thefloridagardeningproject@gmail.com.